Microsoft edge installer high cpu
Microsoft edge installer high cpu

MS Edge's high CPU and memory usage is another issue that users have reported they have to deal with. Unfortunately, the innovative browser does not avoid issues, as we previously talked about the confusing nature of the settings' menu and dark mode, broken notifications, and similar problems.

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Since the Edge is Chromium-based, it definitely feels and operates similarly to Chrome, hence many people decided to swap. Overall, the browser was met with positive feedback from users and was praised by many outlets for its privacy-focused and lightweight nature. Microsoft was eager to get back into the browser market and did not give up, so a new, Chromium-based Edge was delivered in early 2020. While it was miles ahead of the terrible Internet Explorer, it received a mixed reception from users over the years. The original Microsoft Edge was launched along with Windows 10 release back in 2015.

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To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage Reimage.

Microsoft edge installer high cpu